Monday 5 January 2015

Dylan Playfair

I first saw this gorgeous Canadian hunk in Grave Encounters 2  and then later recognized him in an incredibly juvenile kid's show called Some Assembly Required which I happened to come across while flipping through channels on tv. On the show  plays a dim witted surfer dude who always sports shorts and flip flops and I have to say, since seeing one episode of this silly show, I have gone back just to see him and his gorgeous pale feet in flip flops. I'm waiting for a sole shot in the future so till then, enjoy this manip! :D


  1. Still have to see Grave Encounters 2 but now I will;). Awesome fake

    1. Thank you! I appreciate your comments haa :D Eh tbh it's not that great of a movie nor is the first one, I don't get why people hyped it up so much lol the unfortunate thing in Grave Encounters 2 is that he is actually the one behind the camera so you don't get to see him a lot :(

  2. ow still might watch it because i like jumpscare movies

    1. haa me too! Well I specifically like found footage movies :3
